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All-in-One Java Troubleshooting Tool

VisualVM is a visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and lightweight profiling capabilities.
Designed for both development and production time use.
Download Standalone
current version: VisualVM 2.0.2
Download with GraalVM
current version: VisualVM 2.0.2


May 19, 2020: VisualVM 2.0.2 Released

This release improves the JFR viewer and Polyglot Sampler (previously Graal Sampler) features. See the Release Notes for more details. The tool can be downloaded from the Download page, sources are available in release202 branch.

March 26, 2020: VisualVM 2.0.1 Released

This release adds support for both running on and monitoring Java 14. Manual control of the JMX connections has been improved. See the Release Notes for more details. The tool can be downloaded from the Download page, sources are available in release201 branch.

February 18, 2020: VisualVM 2.0 Released

VisualVM 2.0 provides GraalVM monitoring & profiling capabilities, improves JMX connections support, and introduces own JFR viewer. See the Release Notes for more details. The tool can be downloaded from the Download page, sources are available in release20 branch.
